Shadows of Twilight: An Elrond Fansite


Thanks to Anke Katrin Eißman, Michael Kaluta and Kasiopea for permission to display their art in the artists' impressions gallery.

Main image for the 'Twilight' skin is "The Palace" by tinsworld, from Stock.xchng.

Screencaps from the Lord of the Rings films and dvd extras used on this site are my own. Other images come from a variety of sources, and have been collected over a long period of time. I have tried to give a comprehensive list here, but if you recognise images on this site from sources that I have not credited, please let me know.

Elrond and other Lord of the Rings images from:
The Council of Elrond, The One, Hobbits Live, Fate of the Evenstar,, FantasyPlanet, War of the Ring,

Hugo Weaving images from:
Celebrity Pictures Archive,,,,, Art Streiber photography, Sydney Morning Herald, Web Weaving, The Domain of Hugo Weaving and Hal's Hugo Weaving page (both no longer online).

All graphics were created using a combination Jasc Paint Shop Pro 7 and 8, and, more recently Photoshop 7. Animations using Animation Shop 3. Sound files were captured with Goldwave. Desktop icons were created with IconArt. Webpages coded using AceHTML webeditor.

JavaScripts with the help of The JavaScript Source, JavaScript Kit, and Dynamic Drive.

PHPfanbase script from

This site is hosted under my own domain, with webspace provided by - many thanks, Isi!

Elrond Stardome My LotR and Hobbit Wallpapers: The Golden Wood My Site Collective: Well of Stars