Shadows of Twilight: An Elrond Fansite


The movies have provided us with particular images of Elrond. Some artists, however, give an alternative impression of the character, drawn from their interpretations of Tolkien's writings, and depict him in other settings than those made familiar by the movies.

The images shown here are copyright to the respective artists and are used with permission - many thanks to all of them. For any enquiries concerning further use of an image, please contact the artist directly.

Click on the thumbnails to view larger images, which will open in a new window.

Anke Katrin Eißmann: "The Hall of Fire"

Frodo observes Elrond, seated with Arwen and Aragorn in the Hall of Fire at Rivendell. To see more of Anke Eißmann's beautiful Tolkien illustrations, visit her website.

Michael Kaluta: "Elrond Recalls the Hosts of Gil-galad" (detail)

From the 1994 Tolkien calendar. Elrond at the Council telling the story of the Last Alliance. For the full image, and other fine Tolkien illustrations, see Michael Kaluta's website.

Kasiopea: "Elrond and Elros were taken captive"

Depicting the scene from The Silmarillion in which the sons of Earendil were captured by Maglor. More of Kasiopea's lovely artwork can be found at her website.

The following art can be found at Rolozo Tolkien:

Alan Lee: "The Council of Elrond"

Elrond Stardome My LotR and Hobbit Wallpapers: The Golden Wood My Site Collective: Well of Stars