Shadows of Twilight: An Elrond Fansite

MOVIE QUOTES: Deleted Scenes

Selections available as mp3 files appear as links and are preceded by soundfile. To download, right click and save target / link. If you do not have an mp3 player, you can download Winamp here or Quicktime here.

Deleted from the conversation between Elrond and Aragorn (The Two Towers):

soundfile The alliance between elves and men is over. (Two Towers Starz Special)

From deleted scene in which Elrond travelled to Lothlórien:

soundfile If we do not trust the strength of men then we trust to the victory of Sauron. (Two Towers Preview)

Deleted from the scene between Elrond and Aragorn at Dunharrow (Return of the King):

soundfile This is your test. Every path you have trod, through wilderness, through war, has led to this road. (RotK Trailer)

From a deleted scene between Elrond and Arwen:

soundfile The enemy will never let Aragorn come to the throne of Gondor. (RotK trailer)

soundfile You gave away your life's grace. I cannot protect you any more. (RotK trailer)

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