Shadows of Twilight: An Elrond Fansite


These images were taken from various places on the internet (see the credits page for image credits), although in some cases I have edited and/or cleaned them up in PSP. Newest images have red borders.

Publicity shots

Hugo Weaving black & white 1 Hugo Weaving black & white 2 Hugo Weaving black & white 3 Hugo Weaving black & white 4 Hugo Weaving black & white 5 Hugo Weaving Hugo Weaving Hugo Weaving Hugo Weaving Hugo Weaving Hugo Weaving Hugo Weaving Hugo Weaving Hugo Weaving Hugo Weaving Hugo Weaving Hugo Weaving Hugo Weaving Hugo Weaving Hugo Weaving Hugo Weaving Hugo Weaving Hugo Weaving Hugo Weaving Hugo Weaving Hugo Weaving

With Lord of the Rings Cast

LotR cast Hugo & Orli

Cannes Film Festival 1994 (Premiere of Priscalla, Queen of the Desert)

Priscilla premiere 1 Priscilla premiere 2

Return of the King Premiere

RotK premiere

The Hobbit filming

Hugo & PJ

Elrond Stardome My LotR and Hobbit Wallpapers: The Golden Wood My Site Collective: Well of Stars