Shadows of Twilight: An Elrond Fansite


Click to enlarge - images open in a new window. These images show the layouts as they appeared with a 1024x768 resolution.

version 1
Version 1: A frames based layout, I chose the blue colour to fit with the site title.

version 2
Version 2: A change of image and colour scheme after a couple of months. Some of my favourite images here, so this layout lasted quite a while.

version 3
Version 3: Adopted 5/1/05. I switched to iframes with this layout, which matched that of The Golden Wood. The main image is another of my favourites, a promotional pic from Return of the King.

version 4
Version 4: Adopted 12/6/05. A php based layout, to allow for a choice of skins. The first featured one of my favourite scenes, The Grey Havens.

skin 2
Skin 2: Added 26/6/05. In the same style as the first skin, featuring the battle of Dagorlad.

skin 2
Skin 3: Added Feb 06. The third skin features a scene between Elrond and Arwen from The Return of the King movie.

skin 2
Skin 4: Added 1/8/08. I wanted a skin which was not based on the movies. The main image is "The Palace" by tinsworld, from Stock.xchng, overlaid with brushes from Hybrid Genesis, Imaginations and The Magic Box, and the description of Elrond from The Fellowship of the Ring.

Elrond Stardome My LotR and Hobbit Wallpapers: The Golden Wood My Site Collective: Well of Stars